Straw weaving

Straw weaving

Baihe Town, Longquanyi District, Sichuan Province,
It is famous all over the world as the “Hometown of Straw Weaving”.
Straw weaving is an ancient traditional skill in Baihe Town.
Belongs to intangible cultural assets.
Using natural pollution-free wheat straw raw materials,
Through the processes of selecting grass, fumigating and bleaching, cutting grass and braiding, boiling and drying, sewing, grinding and pressing, etc.
Manufacturing supplies and craft products made together.
cypress straw weaving,
Originating from nature, returning to nature,
It has distinctive local characteristics and cultural and artistic connotations,
In the past, it was mostly used for functional sunshades, rainproofing, and decoration.
Nowadays, more and more interesting straw knitting works are produced.
Mostly used for collection, display, household items, etc.
It demonstrates the creativity and cultural inheritance value of Chinese culture.
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